Nuvolo in the House When 65,000 fans stream into one of largest and most modern sports arenas in the US for an NFL game, concert or other event, they can thank (at least a little) Nuvolo for clean parking lots, well-stocked bathrooms, a comfortable seat that works, great replays, and the perfect temperature at kick-off. Since August 2018, the facilities team at this modern US-based stadium has used Nuvolo to efficiently manage and maintain almost every piece of equipment in the stadium, from the most modern to the most mundane. Nuvolo is also helping support the stadium’s progress toward a zero-waste goal, and to automate its critical event space inspection operations. Tracking Waste In support of a number of green initiatives, the arena’s management has established a zero-waste objective and Nuvolo is there to help. The facilities team uses Nuvolo to track the ratio of material brought into the stadium and the total “dump-tons” of waste. Using Nuvolo, dump-ton reports by material and month are tracked to assess the progress toward the zero-waste goal. The data and reports are also used to adjust operations accordingly. In addition, the facilities team also uses Nuvolo to track utility usage in multiple areas including stadium electric, natural gas, water and sewer usage. Space Inspections The arena segments its facility into a list of “sub-spaces” for all events. Each of the sub-spaces must be inspected in advance. A sub-space includes things like a bathroom, concourse, parking lot, luxury suite or section of seating. They’re all sub-spaces, and each is assigned a maintenance team member to inspect it prior to an event. Based on the event (e.g. football game, soccer match or concert), a work order is automatically generated for each space and assigned to a designated technician. The technician is equipped with an iPad, on which they’ll find their assigned space inspection work orders, and more importantly, a digital procedure checklist for each sub-space. Each sub-space is assigned a status based on its condition. Blue means the inspection has yet to be completed, green means it passed and red means it failed. The facilities managers can view a stadium map through the dashboard with each sub-space status highlighted in color. When a space fails an inspection a corrective work order task is automatically generated and assigned to the proper technician. These activities are all based on the real-time input of the technician at the point of the inspection on their iPad device. The facilities team can modify the space inspections for individual events whenever needed. For example, certain events may use only portions of the stadium, broken down by “levels”. This reduces the total number of sub-spaces requiring attention. Pre and post-event checklists are generated for each event and stadium conversions are also accounted for. For example, a concert will require field-level seating to be installed and removed afterward. All of these activities are broken down into work orders and assigned before and after events. And it’s all done using mobile devices, without paper and with little or no human intervention – true digital transformation – Nuvolo style. Facilities Maintenance – Blocking & Tackling The facilities team also uses Nuvolo for its bread-and-butter maintenance operations. Planned and corrective maintenance work orders are generated for everything from its vehicle fleet, scissor lifts, kitchen equipment, and the jumbotron. These work orders are generated and assigned by Nuvolo, leveraging the same facilities team members and iPads used for space inspection operations. The system also captures usage data for the HVAC fleet to automatically schedule and generate maintenance work orders. This minimizes unplanned downtime and unnecessary maintenance expenditures. If you’re one of the lucky 65,000 people to attend an event at this arena, just think for a minute that your amazing experience is due, at least in part, to a fast growing and really innovative software company in New Jersey. We also hope your team won! Share