They’re creating a Connected Workplace with Nuvolo and ServiceNow. Our client, a national laboratory, has nearly 2,000 scientists visiting each year to use their unique experimental equipment. The lab uses Nuvolo to handle reservation management for experiment rooms and lab equipment. Also, Nuvolo is providing facilities and other workplace management services to all of their 172 locations. Building the Connected Platform Started with Lab and Equipment Tracking Our client upgraded their equipment and facilities; in doing so, they recognized they needed a better way to manage their lab and equipment scheduling procedures. And, they needed a better way to track and inventory lab equipment. As one of the first ServiceNow customers, they know the power of a SaaS platform and the efficiency of service management principles. Nuvolo, Built on NOW, purposely built to manage facilities, space, and assets, would provide the same level of service management they’ve come to expect. The choice was easy; they selected the Nuvolo platform for their reservation and asset management project. Nuvolo modernized their room and asset reservations process. Researchers use our online portal to register for access and reserve lab space or equipment. Also, 100% of their lab assets are barcoded and tracked in Nuvolo. Room and equipment reservations are automated with Nuvolo’s workflow and business rules engines. Recognizing the Power of One Platform – Facilities Management was Next Before Nuvolo, work orders and asset maintenance were tracked on spreadsheets, a time consuming and expensive solution. Two full-time employees were managing and assigning work orders. They had to have weekly meetings to assign preventive maintenance work, and there was no way of managing asset repair or replacement effectively. They recognized they already had a solution. Nuvolo could automate facilities management and provide the data analytics advantage of having all facilities, assets, and work orders tracked on one platform. Today, Nuvolo is implemented at 20 locations, to track electrical assets, HVAC systems, elevators, and escalators. Employees report a problem through the Nuvolo portal. Field technicians have access to, and capture, all work order information with our easy-to-use mobile application. Impressive Results and Reporting Nuvolo’s Connected Workplace allows lab teams a dashboard view of their room and equipment reservations. And, with reservations as part of the Facilities platform, the team can create work requests right from the reservation system and track all work through to completion. The Facilities team is working more efficiently, much of the work order process is automated, and they have a clear mission-control type view of work progress and completion. Comprehensive data from Nuvolo allows them to analyze important facilities areas, such as: Equipment history to determine how much maintenance was done over time, the total cost of ownership, and when to replace the asset. The overall cost of work orders and preventive maintenance tasks, tracked by equipment, technician, or work type. Weekly work order progress, tracked on dashboards which are used to create real-time assessments. Automating the Davis-Bacon Act Rules (Helping Payroll and Compliance) Part of work order management in government agencies is adhering to The Davis-Bacon and Related Act. This Act requires contractors and subcontractors to pay their laborers no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits for the same work on similar projects in the area. Managing the extensive list of work categories and pay rates by location is stressful on spreadsheets or old software platforms. Nuvolo, however, easily automates the business rules required for Davis-Bacon compliance. Workflows auto decide pay categories and rates based on work order type. Compliance and Payroll departments use this data for their reporting requirements. A Better Way Forward As one of the early adopters of service management, this innovative organization recognizes the importance of one SaaS platform managing service requests, space, and assets. They’re building a connected workplace, one where work will be done faster and data will drive their decision making. That’s the promise of Nuvolo Connected Workplace. Share